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Rebuy Rewind 2024: Reflecting on an amazing year

Let's take a quick look back at 2024 — a year packed with new product innovation, helpful new resources, and inspiring customer success stories.

Happy New Year!

Thank you for an amazing 2024. Let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we shared — and the milestones we achieved together — over the last 365 days.


Touchpoint Nov 2026

By the numbers 📈

  • We surpassed 12,000 merchants using Rebuy, a testament to the power of personalization.
  • Rebuy helped brands generate $36.6 million in additional revenue during BFCM.
  • Over 600 stores launched with Rebuy's launch package, transforming their shopping experiences.
  • 20+ new team members joined Rebuy, bringing fresh ideas and energy to everything we do.
  • 300 members joined our community, fostering collaboration and shared insights.
  • 129 companies joined our partnership program, earning us the award for Best Ecommerce Tech Partnership Program!
  • Our team hit up over 150 events around the globe—connecting, learning, and sharing with you.

Product innovation ⚙️

Helpful resources 🔍


  • The Ecommerce Tactics Deck: 50 actionable strategies top Shopify brands use to boost revenue, now in stunning full-color print or as a free PDF—an invaluable resource for scaling your brand.
  • Get Started Hub: Access a suite of concise video tutorials designed to simplify your setup process and swiftly enhance your ecommerce experience.
  • 12 new case studies: Learn how top brands achieved outstanding results with Rebuy and how you can implement their proven strategies to elevate your store's performance.
  • Merchandising Audit Checklist: A free 65-point guide to uncover revenue opportunities and optimize your Shopify store for growth.

2025 Sneak Peak 👀

We’re gearing up for an exciting year ahead! We’ll continue to create and refine tools that make ecommerce smarter, more personalized, and truly impactful. Plus, we’re looking forward to connecting with you at events across the globe.

Here’s a peek at some of the exciting things we’re working on for 2025…

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  • Momentum Conference: Join us May 7-9 in San Diego for our exclusive event for brands ready to fuel resilient growth and drive lasting revenue.
  • Our developers have been hard at work behind the scenes on new products and enhancements to our exciting tools (but I've been sworn to secrecy so no spoilers 🤐). 
  • But join us March 25-27 at Shoptalk in Vegas and we'll be thrilled to show you what we've been working on.

Thank you 💜

A huge thank you from all of us here at Rebuy for joining us on this journey. 

None of these accomplishments would have been possible without your trust, collaboration, and support.

Here’s to even greater success together in 2025!

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