We had two main goals for the rebrand.
1. Refresh our visual identity.
We aimed to create a revamped identity that better showcased our company’s personality.
2. Update our marketing site.
Our old site served an important purpose but had run its course. It was inconsistent in color and style, felt very developer-focused, and didn’t properly showcase the merchants we were working with. Our site needed to be the canvas where we painted a strong picture of Rebuy as a company, and also as a platform - highlighting our partners and merchants.
Discovery Process
We knew our brand identity needed help but we wanted to check with our merchants and get first-hand feedback from the people who interact with our company the most.
We sent our merchants a survey to gauge their perception of the brand, asking questions like, “How would you describe Rebuy’s brand to a friend?” and "What was your first impression of the brand?"
We found that merchants enjoyed our product and knew we could boost AOV through cross-sells and upsells. But that was about the extent of it. Our brand didn't seem to resonate in the minds of our customers, and most weren't sure who we were as a company or what our platform was capable of.
Taking what we learned from our merchants, we then turned inward 🧘 and held a company-wide branding workshop.
As a team, we answered questions like:
- How do we, the builders of the Rebuy product, view Rebuy the brand?
- Where do we see it going?
- How do we want our users to perceive the brand?
Focusing on developing a brand personality, we set to finding words that exemplified Rebuy.
As a team, we chose words like:
- Intelligent
- Innovative
- Supportive
- Transformative
- Exciting
This initial team workshop helped kick off our creative process. And with research and inspiration on our side, we headed into Figma to get started reworking our colors.
We started by making our current color palette a little more lively. Brightened up the greens, added more contrast, and played around with blues. Greens and blues are well-charted waters, and would probably keep us fairly recognizable, but it just wasn’t it. We gave it a fair shot, but ultimately, we decided it was time to let go of the green. If we wanted our brand to be innovative and modern, we needed to start fresh.
So naturally, we swung to the other side of the color wheel to find our primary color: pink. We experimented until we found juuussttt the right shade, then added a vivid blue. And a yellow shade to use as an accent for darker backgrounds. We felt these were bright, bold, and could be used in a myriad of ways including our brand gradient.
The "Rebuy Gradient" not only allows us to use our colors in new and fresh ways but represents how dynamic and diverse we are as a team. We also created a neutral palette for external and co-marketing use. We are first and foremost a platform for our merchants, and just like our product, we want our brand to seamlessly integrate wherever possible.
Typeface & Brandmark
For our typeface, we wanted to keep it simple. As you can tell, plenty of thought was going into our new brand identity, and with a small, scrappy startup team, you have to pick your battles.
We’re all pretty big design nerds over here and could have easily spent a month deciding what fonts we wanted to use for the brand. Or, we could choose a clean, modern font that’s easy to read and move on. You can probably guess the route we went here. Museo Sans is well-loved and well-read, along with Sofia Pro.
We had the colors and the typeface, and now it was time to rework our logo and incorporate them. Our old logo wasn’t bad, and we love the infinity sign and what it represents about our product, so it really just needed some lipstick. What we didn’t love: The multi-color effect and the readability when the logo was at a small size. So, we made it one tone, updated the font, and simplified the infinity sign.
Marketing Site
With step one of our rebrand complete, it was time to apply the new brand assets to our marketing site.
Our now two-person design team, in tandem with our marketing team, took on the redesign. Most of our copy was great, but we needed a full visual rebrand. Aside from our new fonts and colors, we created a custom icon set to use along with the Material UI icons. We also needed to update all of the graphics on the site. Not only to better represent our new brand but to highlight our incredible merchants.
Once the design was finished and approved, our designers built out the site in Hubspot. We chose Hubspot to ensure our marketing site could stay a living, breathing entity of Rebuy. We’re a fast-moving company, and we wanted a site that we could update quickly when needed.
We woke up early on May 4th and hit publish as a team.
What Did We Learn?
If we could give ourselves (or anyone else looking to rebrand) any advice, it might be to trust and rely on Process. A rebranding is a giant undertaking. You have to consider the individual brand assets, how they work together, how they will transfer to marketing materials, how they will look across multiple platforms and in conjunction with other brands, etc.
Luckily though, rebranding is hardly a new frontier. Researching what other companies have done and their processes was an essential first step. Aligning that with our goals and creating a roadmap allowed the creative process to run smoothly.
We also learned how crucial it is to have solid communication on your team. Having a clear vision, goal, and desired outcomes helped keep all the moving pieces and people in sync and on track.
Teamwork was paramount in getting this exciting project completed and we want to give a huge thanks to our entire team for working tirelessly to support this project.
We feel our fresh new brand encapsulates not only our leading-edge product but the innovative and diverse team behind it. We care deeply about what we do here, and now it feels like our brand better expresses how invested and excited we are about the Rebuy mission.
All-in-all, we’re pumped about our fresh new look and our new site. And so stoked to have a brand that represents us.
Look good, feel good, right? 💅
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