Rebuy Ecommerce Personalization Platform for Shopify Case Studies and Reviews

Blissful Business: Feals Boosts Post-Purchase RPV by 300%, Subs' by 80%

Written by Miles Shattuck | Jun 28, 2024 5:15:27 PM



🦋 There comes a time when every caterpillar sheds the old way and embraces the new. The same can be said for businesses that outgrow their current modes and evolve to reach new heights.

This is the story of Feals, a wellness startup based in Denver, Colorado, offering premium cannabis products to relieve stress and help people feel better. With fewer than 10 employees, this small but ambitious company is focused on delivering top-quality gummies and CBD oil tinctures.





Anton Jusufi, Head of Product, is responsible for the digital product as well as customer experience and conversion rate optimization. After outgrowing its original open source ecommerce platform, Feals migrated to Shopify in early 2022. The team sought to optimize its digital ecosystem using the best Shopify apps available.




Challenge: Optimize the Acquisition Funnel

Jusufi and the Feals team faced three challenges.

  1. Assemble a top-notch app stack for its new Shopify store
  2. Upgrade its ecommerce shopping cart
  3. Optimize the acquisition funnel

Any good app stack should be anchored by a powerhouse shopping cart. Because Jusufi valued speed-to-market, his top priority was finding a cart that was user-friendly and easy to implement.

The company’s curated selection of products consists of three main offerings—oils, mints, and gummies. This posed a challenge for cross-selling opportunities. So Anton sought a robust, modern slide-out cart to improve the shopping experience and boost sales despite the focused product lineup. The final challenge was to optimize the acquisition funnel to increase sales and subscriptions.

Piece of cake, right?

After extensive research and recommendations from his network, Jusufi included Rebuy in Feals' first Shopify app stack and hasn't looked back.




Strategy: Reduce Friction, Increase Testing

With a frictionless buying journey in mind, Jusufi's first move was to install Rebuy Smart Cart, which impressed him with its functionality and support.

Speaking of support, Jusufi appreciated Rebuy's bar-setting customer service, stating, “Rebuy is the benchmark for any app, third-party service, vendor, or platform we use. Are we going to get the human support that we need? Because if not, then things become a lot more difficult and not as productive. Rebuy set the standard for us.”



A/B Testing: Optimization Through Experimentation

Encouraged by the initial success with Smart Cart, Anton tested other Rebuy tools, including Rebuy Post Purchase and Rebuy A/B Testing. He conducted A/B tests to determine things like the best in-cart offer layouts, placement for subscription frequency options, and post-purchase offers.



For example, by displaying subscription frequency options in the cart rather than on the product detail page, Jusufi removed friction from the buying process and saw an uptick in subscribers.


Improving the Acquisition Funnel

Next, Jusifi focused on optimizing Feals’ acquisition funnel. This strategy played a big role in the company's success.

Optimizing the acquisition funnel was a two-step process:

  1. Improve the initial acquisition offer from a $5 trial product of The Gummies to the full-sized product priced at $55
  2. Implement a post-purchase offer for a second pack of The Gummies at a deep discount 

Jusufi explains, "Customer cohorts on the $5 trial were often coming in due to the price point and were less likely to want to spend an additional $40+ on a post-purchase offer." But once they adjusted the acquisition offer, a new cohort took notice and post-purchase offers started flying off the digital shelves. 



"We can offer more full-sized products at better discounts because our profit margins improve when the initial purchase is a full-priced product instead of a $5 trial," says Jusufi. "This gives us more flexibility in product offerings and allows us to test a wider range of discounts."

Jusufi then decorated key touchpoints with smart merchandising powered by Rebuy intelligence, placing cross-sell widgets on product detail pages, in the Rebuy Smart Cart, and on the checkout page.

Feals used Rebuy’s integration for Yotpo to display star ratings for applicable product recommendations, enhancing trust and encouraging purchases.

Overall, Feals used Rebuy Smart Cart, Rebuy A/B Testing and Rebuy Post Purchase. Rebuy-powered merchandising widgets were placed in the cart, on product pages, at checkout, and again at post purchase.




Achieving congruency throughout the acquisition funnel has paid massive dividends for Jusufi and the team. Upgrading the acquisition offer to a full product (from a trial product) and then using Rebuy to optimize key touchpoints like the cart and post-purchase offers has helped Feals increase revenue per visitor (specifically for post-purchase offers) by a staggering 300% over six months. 

Subscription upsells on the product detail pages and in the cart increased subscription volume by 80%. 



And just in the last 30 days, AOV is nearly 20% while post-purchase offers converted at a feel-good 21.58%. Editor's Note: Jusufi reports that earlier this year post-purchase offer conversion rate peaked at 29%.

With no developers on the team, Jusufi appreciates Rebuy's ease of use. "Data sources have been super helpful and allowed us to lean into personalization in a way that isn't overly complicated."

I don't know about you, but this story hits me right in the feels. 🦋 

Congratulations to Anton Jusufi and the Feals team! 


Feals increased AOV by 18.93% and achieved a post-purchase offer conversion rate of 21.58% in 30 days. In addition, Feals used Rebuy to help boost subscription volume by 80% and post-purchase RPV by 300% in six months.




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