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Cooking up conversions with Momofuku and Rebuy

Momofuku boosted their conversions and AOV with Rebuy’s ecommerce personalization platform and exceptional support

Cooking up conversions with Momofuku and Rebuy


📈  10.13% AOV boost

♾️ 16.54% of orders used Rebuy

🎉 16.25% Post-Purchase conversion rate


🍜 Food & Bev


🛒 Smart Cart

🎁 Gift with Purchase

👀 Post-Purchase


From NYC to DTC: how Momofuku went from ramen to retail

Founded by celebrity chef David Chang, Momofuku is a renowned culinary brand that began as a humble ramen shop in New York City’s East Village in the early 2000s. 

Fast forward 20 years and David Chang has produced and starred in TV shows and podcasts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he won the $1,000,000 top prize on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for charity.

The pandemic brought significant challenges to the Food and Beverage industry. David knew Momofuku had to redefine itself to meet the needs of a population that was staying in and cooking at home, so he looked to expand the brand into the CPG space.

David Chang, renowned chef and founder of Momofuku

That’s around the time Kyle Seebohm, Momofuku’s VP of Omnichannel Growth, joined the brand.

Kyle explained that Momofuku originally was selling consumer products used in their restaurant (like Seasoned Salts salts, and their famous Chili Crunch) before expanding into several different product categories, including their hero product, a line of dried noodles. 

“I was hearing from all different directions — like newsletters and DTC Twitter — that if you’re a growing brand, Rebuy is super supportive and easy to set up across a ton of different functionalities.”

Turning up the heat: overcoming ecommerce challenges

With a small, dedicated growth team, Momofuku faced the challenge of scaling their online brand while providing a seamless online experience.

Kyle knew one of the best ways to increase their revenue was through site experiences like personalized recommendations.

He’d heard from his network about how easy it was to set up Rebuy and work with the team to implement these intelligent shopping experiences. 

He was immediately impressed with how supportive the team was, especially considering how they’d approached Rebuy about going live at the busiest time of the year for ecommerce: Black Friday Cyber Monday.

“We went live before BFCM in 2022 with Rebuy, which was insane. But we made it work mostly because of the support of your team. Your onboarding team was grinding for two weeks to help us get everything set up, and not only did we launch the functionality, but all the promotions that we were running for BFCM were through Rebuy. We truly couldn’t have done it without you guys.”


Before officially signing on with Rebuy the Momofuku team discussed the age-old question when considering a SaaS provider – Build or Buy?

“We think about ‘build or buy’ a lot," Kyle explained, "Specifically, what’s the core competency that we want to own? And if it’s not going to be a core competency for us, we shouldn’t build it ourselves. We’re never going to be dev experts, and won’t be able to build the best-in-class tools out there. So it was a relatively easy decision to leverage Rebuy.”

A screenshot of the Momofuku website with products in their Rebuy Smart Cart with in-cart recommendations and upsells

Delicious results: serving up success with Rebuy

Two years later, the Momofuku and Rebuy partnership continues to produce delicious results. 

Emma Hughes, Retention and Lifecycle Marketing Manager at Momofuku outlined how the impact of a long-term partnership has benefited their brand by building off the successes they’ve seen with Rebuy.  

“We've been able to compound our learnings on the Rebuy platform to create a more robust purchase journey across our site. Our established widgets allow us to communicate different purchase occasions, new product launches, major sales, and more across our site. By building on what we know is already working well, we're able to drive incremental success easily.”

Reflecting on the last year Emma was quick to point to how Rebuy helped Momofuku achieve their internal goals:

“One of our biggest lifecycle marketing goals for 2024 was increasing the number of cross-category purchases as we know these customers have higher retention rates," Emma shared. "By accessing more cross-sell opportunities across the site (PDP, cart recs, email marketing) Rebuy has helped us expand our strategy and show customers complementary products throughout their site journey to inevitably better their experience consuming our products together.”

Specifically, Momofuku has found great success with combining UTMs and Rebuy’s Gift With Purchase (GWP) to dial in their lifecycle marketing strategy. 

Whether that be as a welcome journey, abandonment journey, or resurrection-type flow, they use targeted GWPs to entice customers.

A green plate on a wooden table highlighting Momofuku's Noodle Variety Pack

Kyle went into more detail on their lifecycle marketing strategy with Rebuy explaining that, "Whatever the moment is, we’re able to use targeted Gifts With Purchase, like an upsell on a product a customer hasn’t tried before or to get a customer to come back with a product they’ve already tried.

"We’re able to include super simple, dedicated, unique links where all they have to do is click the link and the GWP shows up in their cart. It’s a beautiful experience.

Kyle noted how this seamless flow makes it easy on their customers versus Shopify’s native GWP functionality where they have to add products to the cart, and then add a discount code, which can feel confusing and counterintuitive.

Emma also added that one campaign in particular consistently delivers, “Our monthly birthday campaigns, featuring Rebuy-driven GWPs, consistently drive double-digit conversion rates while allowing us to personalize this special occasion for the customer.”

Regarding Rebuy as a whole, Kyle expressed his gratitude towards Janet, the brand’s Rebuy Success Manager, saying, “That level of support truly makes a lot of difference.” He praised her for being like an extension of their team, expertly answering questions and highlighting opportunities for growth using the Rebuy platform.

Emma also expressed her appreciation working with the Rebuy Launch team for their help in implementing custom widgets on the Momofuku store.

“The Rebuy Launch team has a super quick and efficient process for launching new custom widgets. The process begins with a thorough meeting where you go through every detail regarding the function and look of the widget to ensure the finished product is exactly what you're looking for. It's been a great process every time and the widgets are created quickly and on time.”

Emma described a specific instance last year where the Rebuy team helped with a new custom widget to highlight new products,

“We worked with Rebuy on a custom widget we could easily add to our cart recs to highlight a specific product or promote a new launch. During the first week of our new product category launch, this widget drove almost 20% of our new product bundle sales. This new widget has allowed us to make a strong splash with a new product or quickly sell through final inventory.”

Powerful partnership: Momofuku and Rebuy

The collaboration between Momofuku and Rebuy has significantly impacted the brand’s ecommerce growth and customer engagement. In the last 30 days, Momofuku has boosted its average order value (AOV) by 10.13% by leveraging Rebuy’s intelligent shopping experiences. In that same time frame, Momofuku has also seen 16.54% of orders include a Rebuy add-on.

Additionally, Momofuku’s Rebuy Post-Purchase offers have a strong 16.25% conversion rate. These positive results show the effectiveness of personalized recommendations and seamless customer journeys, emphasizing the strong, long-term partnership between Rebuy and Momofuku.

“I am normally a skeptic of a lot of SaaS vendors," Kyle shared. "I think people oftentimes think the vendor’s going to be the solution to their problems when their problems are actually more broad and tied to the fundamentals of their business. 

"So generally, I don't rate SaaS vendors that high. I’d put Rebuy at an 8 or 9 out of 10 because of all the vendors in the space they're the ones that I can point to as truly adding incremental value to my business, and I can measure it and prove it. And that's not only due to the functionality but also the support. All of those things leave me incredibly happy to recommend and rate Rebuy highly.”

- - -

 Over the last 30 days, Momofuku's seen...

📈 10.13% increase in AOV
🎉 16.25% Post-Purchase conversion rate
♾️ 16.54% of orders used Rebuy

Drive revenue growth 

+10,000 Shopify brands use Rebuy to create personalized shopping experiences that reduce costs, save time, and boost sales


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